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The Parkinsn Archives located at [log in to unmask], now has
capability to send drug information by e-mail.

The drug information was compiled from many sources by
Kathrynne Holden. The information was formatted by Margaret
Tuchman. Margaret Monty and Simon Coles were also members
of this "GREAT!" team. Needless to say, this was done as
meticulously as possible. Mistakes if found, were unintentional.


The use of this material is intended for educational purposes
only. Only you and your doctor have the final say in your
treatment. "He who self-medicates, has a fool for a doctor."


For those contemplating surgery, Part II lists the drugs that
can complicate you recovery by reacting to your parkinsonian
medications. Each person on your surgery team...nurses...surgeon
anthesiologist, recovery room nurses should know this information.
It is up to the patient or caregiver to make sure that this
information is made available to each member of the surgery team.


The following are names of drugs and the number beside the name
of the drug is the Order number for ordering that information
from the archives.


Send a message to:

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On the Subject Line put:

DDB: 1 20 30 40 50

Nothing is required in the Body of the message.

DDB:, signals me to send drug info on 1, 20, 30, 40 and 50.

If you have an email only account that has limits on the sizes
of messages you can receive, each one of the order numbers can
be as large as 30 KB. Please limit your requests to no more
than 5 drugs per day.

generic or Trade(R)-- Order #

Acenorm(R), 26                       acetaminophen, 1
acetazolamide, 2                     Adalat(R), 90
Adapin(R), 49                        Adrenalin(R), 52
Advil(R), 68                         Agon(R), 57
Akineton(R), 17                      Aldazine(R), 126
Aldomet(R), 3                        Aldopren(R), 3
Alfprin(R), 12                       alpha methyldopa, 3
alprazolam, 4                        amantadine,5
Ambien(R), 139                       amiodarone, 6
amitriptyline and perphenazine, 7    amitryptyline, 8
amlodipine, 9                        amoxapine, 10
Anatensol(R), 64                     Anpec(R),137
Antivert(R), 77                      apomorphine, 11
Aropax(R), 97                        Arrestin(R), 135
Artane(R), 133                       Asendin(R), 10
Aspergum(R),12                       aspirin, 12
Astra(R), 94                         Atamet(R), 28
atenolol, 13                         Ativan(R), 74
Aurorix(R), 86                       Axid(R), 91

baclofen, 14                         Bayer(R), 12
Benadryl(R), 47                      benztropine mesylate, 15
bethanechol, 16                      biperiden, 17
bisacodyl, 18                        Bonine(R), 77
Botox (R), 19                        botulinum toxin a, 19
Brevicon(R), 38                      bromocriptine, 20
Bronchaid(R), 52                     bupropion, 21
Buspar (R), 22                       buspirone, 22

cabergoline,23                       caffeine, 24
Calan(R), 137                        calcium carbonate, 25
Capoten(R), 26                       captopril, 26
Carafate(R), 122                     carbamazepine, 27
carbidopa/levodopa, 28               Cardcal(R), 46
Cardizem(R),46                       Catapres(R), 35
chlorpromazine, 29                   cholestyramine, 30
ciladopa, 31                         cimetidine, 32
Cinnarizine(R), 61                   cisapride, 33
clonazepam, 34                       clonidine, 35
clozapine, 36                        Clozaril(R), 36
Cogentin(R), 15                      Colestid(R), 37
colestipol, 37                       Compazine(R), 108
conjugated estrogens, 38             Coras(R), 46
Cordarone(R), 6                      Cordilox(R), 137
Coumadin(R), 138                     Cylert(R), 98
cyproheptadine, 39

DDAVP (R), 43                        Demerol (R), 79
Demi Regroton(R), 117                Demulen(R), 38
Depo-Provera(R), 78                  Deprenyl(R), 120
deserpidine, 40                      desipramine, 42
desmopressin, 43                     Desogen(R), 38
Destinex(R), 23                      Desyrel(R), 130
Dexedrine(R), 44                     dextroamphetamine, 44
Diamox(R), 2                         diazepam, 45
Dilantin(R), 103                     Dilosyn(R), 82
diltiazem, 46                        Diphedryl(R), 47
diphenhydramine,47                   Dizac(R), 45
domeperidone, 48                     doxepin, 49
Dulcolax(R), 18                      Duvoid(R), 16

Easprin(R), 12                       Ecotrin(R), 12
Effexor(R), 136                      Elavil(R), 8
Eldepryl (R), 120                    Emprin(R), 12
enalapril, 50                        Enalaprillat(R), 50
Endep(R), 8                          Enduronyl(R), 40
Enovid(R),  38                       entacapone,  51
Epifin(R),52                         epinephrine, 52
Epipen(R), 52                        Epitrate(R), 52
Eppy/N(R), 52                        Equanil(R),80
ergoloid mesylates, 53               Ermitil(R), 64
Esidrex(R), 67                       Estrogen(R), 38
estrogen-progestin, 54               ethopropazine, 55
Excedrin(R), 68

famotidine, 56                       felodipine, 57
finasteride, 58                      Flexoject(R), 95
Florineff(R)), 60                    Fluanxol(R), 63
fluanxol, 59                         fludrocortisone acetate, 60
flunarizine, 61                      fluoxetine, 62
Flupenthixol(R), 59                  flupenthixol, 63
fluphenazine, 64

gemfibrozil,65                       Genora(R), 38
Genprin(R), 12

Halcion(R), 131                      Haldol(R), 66
Halfprin(R),12                       haloperidol, 66
Harmonyl(R), 40                      Hydergine(R), 53
Hydopa(R), 3                         hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), 67
Hydrodiuril(R), 67                   Hydropres(R), 117
IB(R), 68                            ibuprofen, 68
imipramine, 69                       Inderal(R), 111
Isoptin(R), 137

Kemadrin(R), 109                     Klonopin(R), 34

Levlen(R), 38                        levonorgestrel, 71
Levophed(R),92                       Levothroid(R),72
levothyroxine, 72                    Levoxyl(R), 72
Lioresal(R), 14                      Lithicarb(R), 73
lithium, 73                          Lithobid(R), 73
Lo/Ovral(R),  54                     Loestrin(R), 54
Lopid(R), 65                         Lopressor(R), 85
lorazepam, 74                        Lovan(R), 62
lovastatin, 75                       loxapine, 76
Loxitane(R), 76

Maxolon(R),84                        meclizine,77
Medopar(R), 28                       medroxyprogesterone, 78
Mellaril(R),126                      meperidine, 79
meprobamate, 80                      Meprospan(R), 80
mesoridazine, 81                     methdilazine, 82
methylphenidate, 83                  metoclopramide,84
metoprolol, 85                       Mevacor(R), 75
Miltown(R), 80                       Mirapex(R), 105
Moban(R), 87                         moclobemide, 86
Modecate(R), 64                      Moderil(R), 116
Modicon(R), 54                       molindone, 87
Motilium(R), 48                      Motrin(R), 68
Myophen(R), 95                       Mysoline(R), 107

Nardil(R),102                        Navane(R), 127
nefazodone, 88                       Nefecard(R), 90
Nelova(R), 54                        Neulactil(R), 100
nicotine, 89                         nifedipine, 90
nizatidine, 91                       Nodoz(R), 24
Nordette(R), 54                      norepinephrine, 92
Norflex(R), 95                       Norinyl(R), 54
Norlestrin(R), 54                    Norplant(R), 71
Norpramin(R), 42                     nortriptyline, 93
Norvasc(R), 9                        Norzine(R), 125
Novafed(R), 112                      Nudopa(R), 3
Nuprin(R), 68                        Nyefax(R), 90

omeprazole, 94                       Orap(R), 104
Oreric(R), 67                        Oreticyl(R), 40
orphenadrine,95                      Ortho-Cept(R), 54
oxycodone, 96

Pamelor(R),93                        Pardidol(R), 55
Parlodel(R), 20                      Parnate(R), 129
paroxetine, 97                       Paxil(R), 97
pemoline, 98                         Pepcid(R),  56
Percocet(R),96                       pergolide,99
Periactin(R), 39                     pericyazine, 100
Permax(R), 99                        Permitil(R), 64
perphenazine, 101                    pethidine, 79
phenelzine, 102                      Phenergan(R),110
phenytoin, 103                       pimozide, 104
Plendil(R), 57                       Pramin(R), 84
pramipexole,105                      Pravachol(R), 106
pravastatin, 106                     Premarin(R), 38
Prevacid(R), 70                      Prilosec(R), 94
primidone, 107                       Procardia(R), 90
prochlorperazine, 108                procyclidine, 109
Progestin(R), 38                     Prolixin(R), 64
promethazine HCL, 110                propranolol, 111
Propulsid(R), 33                     Proscar(R), 58
Provel(R), 68                        Provera(R), 78
Prozac(R), 62                        pseudoephedrine, 112

Questran(R), 30

ranitidine, 113                      Raudixin(R), 115
Rauval(R), 115                       rauverid, 114
Rauwiloid(R), 114                    rauwolfia s, 115
Rauzide(R), 115                      Reglan(R), 84
Regroton(R), 117                     Requip(R), 119
rescinnamine, 116                    reserpine, 117
Risperdal(R), 118                    risperidone, 118
Ritalin(R), 83                       ropinerole, 119
Rufen(R), 68

Salutensin(R), 117                   selegiline, 120
Ser AP Es(R), 117                    Serenace(R), 66
Serentil(R), 81                      Serpasil(R), 117
sertraline, 121                      Serzone(R), 88
Sinemet CR(R), 28                    Sinemet(R), 28
Sinequan(R), 49                      Stelazine(R), 132
Stemetil(R), 108                     sucralfate,122
Sudafed(R), 112                      Symmetrel(R), 5
Synthroid(R), 72

Tagamet(R), 32                       Takeda(R), 70
talipexole, 123                      Tasmar (R), 128
Tegretol(R), 27                      Tenormin(R), 13
terguride, 124                       thiethylperazine, 125
thioridazine, 126                    thiothixene, 127
Thorazine(R), 29                     Thor-Prom(R), 29
Tigan(R), 135                        Titralac(R), 25
Tofranil(R), 69                      tolcapone, 128
Topro-XL(R), 85                      Torecan(R), 125
tranylcypromine, 129                 trazodone, 130
Triavil(R), 7                        triazolam, 131
trifluoperazine, 132                 trihexyphenidyl, 133
Trilafon(R), 101                     Trimazide(R),135
trimeprazine, 134                    trimethobenzamide, 135
Tylenol(R), 1

Urecholine(R), 16

Valium(R), 45                        Vallergan(R), 134
Valrelease(R), 45                    Vasotec(R), 50
venlafaxine, 136                     verapamil, 137
Verecaps(R), 137                     Verelan(R), 137
Vesprin(R), 132                      Vivarin(R), 24

warfarin,138                         Wellbutrin(R), 21

Xanax(R), 4

Zactin(R), 62                        Zantac(R), 113
Zoloft(R), 121                       zolpidem, 139
Zonalon(R), 49

************        Part II     ******************************


                          Trade            Generic

Antidepressant            Nardil           Phenelzine
                          Parnate          Tranycypromine

Neuroleptics              Hadol            Haloperidol
                          Loxitane         Loxapine
                          Mellaril         Thioridazine
                          Orap             Pimozide
                          Prolixin         Fluphenazine
                          Permitil         Fluphenazine
                          Serentil         Mesoridazine
                          Stalzine         Trifluoperazine
                          Taractan         Chlorprothixene
                          Thorazine        Chlorpromazine
                          Tindal           Acetaphenazine
                          Trilafon         Perphenazine
                          Vesprin          Triflupromazine

Antivomiting/             Compazine        Prochlorperazine
Gastrointestinal          Reglan           Metoclopramide
                          Torecan          Thiethylperazine

Blood Pressure            Raudixin         Rauwolfia

Post-Op                   Harmonyl         Deserpine
Medication                Moderil          Rescinamine
                          Rauverid         Niacin
                          Rauwiloid        Nicotinomide
                          Wolfina          B-Complex vitamins

Possible                  Aldomet          Alpha-Methyldopa
Potential                 BuSpar           Subpirone
Side Effects              Lithobid         Lithium

Miscellaneous             Serpasil         Reserpin


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         PHARMACEUTICALS AT: 1-800-631-8184

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[log in to unmask]    That man may last, but never lives,
                    Who much receives, but nothing gives;
HomeBoy #Parkinsons  Whom none can love, whom none can thank,
                      Creation's blot, creation's blank.
John Cottingham        Thomas Gibbons (1720-1785):
                        When Jesus dwelt.
