

Excellent posting,  Dolores, but for one thing. PDF to my knowledge has
never publically  stated that it  was the POPC  leader (POPC,  as in
popsicle,  is  my
acronym for Professionally Organized Parkinson's Community -- including
PDF, APDA  and PAN).  True, by backing  Jim Cordy  's creation of  a
PWP Congress to set the  national Parkinson's agenda for everybody,
including POPC, and by permitting him to announce this creation aware
that Cordy had not approached
PAN or  APDA for support, the folks at PDF knowingly gave the impression
that indeed they had seized the post-Udall leadership within POPC as a
fait accompli; you could call that a public  demonstration  or
statement, I  suppose, so on second thought, perhaps you are right.

You are clearly  right in condemning  this action.  Charles Myers  told
me yesterday that the overwhelming  majority  of respondents to his
did likewise. And so far, there hasn't been a single  negative  response
to my       open  Internet  letter to my  friend Jim  Cordy  in which I
joined in the chorus.  Indeed, one of the responders  was none other
than Robin Elliott,   who hopes    Jim will get the  message  (and whose
weight is a mere 185 lbs, he  tells  me!).

Still no response from Jim himself.  To put his superb initiative on
hold whilst he seeks  neutral headquarters and goes after POPC-wide
funding ,  which I ,  Robin Elliott,   Charles  Myers  and a host of
others are urging  him to  do, would, at  this stage in the game, be an
act of statesmanship and courage of the highest  order. Were he to
pursue it, I would roll up my sleeves and do my damnedest to help him in
whatever role he wished to assign me -- or just stand aside and not
offer any impediments, if that was his pleasure. And I am  moraally
certain other present critics  would  proudly  repair  to his banner  in
the same fashion,  and that overnight he would create a veritable army
Cordy's  Commandos!