

>>Joan Samuelson paved the way, provided the inspiration and gave me the
tools to make a difference. I don't want to embarrass her nor do I wish
to offend any of the other national organizations but let there be no
question in anybody's mind , Joan is responsible for the Udall movement
and its ultimate success.  Most if not all of us would still be focused
on our local efforts, not even being aware of what could be accomplished
through Washington, and certainly not having  any idea how to get it

Took the words right out of my mouth.

We've taken a giant step forward with the passage of the Udall bill.  Many,
many of us deserve credit.  The victory is sweet.  It just gets better and
better.  No one individual, organization, research department or funding
source will cure Parkinson's.  It's a cumulative effort that will come
sooner if we keep focused.

There is much to be done in order to gain full appropriations.  It will be
more complicated and delicate than signing up co-sponsors.  There will be
many lobbyists, advocates and grassroots people involved.  There will be
good ideas, bad ideas, conflicts. and arguments.  It will require
presenting a united front to the President, the Congress and the NIH.  This
does not mean total unity but it does mean continued cooperation, even if
it is on the most basic level of communication.

Every time I speak about, or participate in, an action involving PD
advocacy I try to think to myself, "Am I helping to bring about a cure
sooner by what I am doing?  Or, am I just enjoying the sound of my own

Please continue to work together.  Please continue to communicate no matter
how frustrating or painful.  We need this $100 million.  Let's not blow it.

Ken Aidekman

Fund the Research.  Find the Cure.