


While I experienced no depression after my pallidotomy, I none the less DID
get physical signs of stress, i.e. flushing, jumpy, loss of sleep, etc. which
was attributed to seratonin loss or imbalance or the like (sorry - I don't
recall which).  Dr. Iacono, my neurosurgeon,  put me on a 1/2 a 20 mg. Paxil
per day, and all of those symptoms disappeared  within a few hours.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if it wasn't pretty darn common for most people
having a pallidotomy to feel some post-surgical depression when ya consider
the build up and anticipation prior to the surgery.  It's almost anti-climatic
after the operation is finally over, 'cause tho it IS brain surgery, you're
home within a day or two and life is just "life" once again.

Same ol, same ol.... with folks expecting you to be "normal" once the surgery
is over.  And of course, since a pallidotomy is NOT  cure for PD, it's tough
for others to realize you've had what amounts to a stop-gap measure.

That reflects on how we feel after the surgery, I believe.

Barb Mallut
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Stan R. Houston
Sent:   Sunday, November 30, 1997 10:08 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        A request for help

Dear Friends:

It's been ten days since my nine hours in the OR for a pallidotomy, and
except for comtinuing problems with walking in the  "off" state, life at home
is returning to a familiar routine.

I have a question for other veterans of pallidotomy surgery.  After a week or
so, did anyone have a problem with depression?  Shirley believes it may be
similar to Post Traumatic Strress Syndrome, like surviving a plane crash or
some other disaster.  I wonder if it's similar to the post-operative
experiences of many poeple who have open-heart surgery -- since both the
heart and the brain are connected with a person's  mortality

I'd like to hear from other PWP's who've had  pallidotomies  and who wouldn't
mind sharing  post-operative psychological experiences with me.

Thanks in advance.

Stan Houston (54/7)
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