

 i have been hour trying to think as to what to say. i now got to go to a
kidney,spine,have elec test run. he says he should of cauht my pain sooner.
as i am not the one to cry. vivian saw something in my face but beening
together as long as we have you some times don,t see every thing. as i have
had 2 broken legs and ankle direded traffick for 2hrs. worked with temp of
106%  so most of my proplem is mine. not the nero. first time in 25yrs he
ever got upset. i would not tell him when i was in pain. so pder don,t be
like me. but then don,t cry wolf. vivian say pd folks are diff. lot. we can
be easly coned so on. as i said my life is tobe of help to us all. i willnot
not quit fighting. wont give in chair at home judith richerts will tell you
that.there is so many thing we can do with out our cg doing it all for us.
oh here in lima they say in lot of ob. that we had pd could be a contrib
factor to our death. again i was at thee botton of it getting evey hides or
not in when i show up.get me cloun suit at least i will be noticed lolololo.
and send to my nero about some of pd complaints like peter and other he saay
wwe wwill tell eacch otherds not to there nero. he is no against giveing new
pd sinnmennt. but i have been on to long and tto strong. so when any ones
haveing trouble with a met. i send it on to him. says it  greaat help with
his pd person. and please no more money sent. i was up set over it my baby
said i should be proud of the help. say see ddaddy your good deeds are
ccoming home to you. who sent the 100.00 will be used for a ggood cause if i
can bring my self to use it for me. vvivian and i was thinking of aall
hungry childern out ther. i had better end nwou as i got 3 cig and 2 ccup
cooffee i never feltt sso prout as i ddo now of all the help i gotten from
tthe net let say thaaanks to youu great peopl pwp

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                        72/25 lima ohio

                       I.Y.Q.don &vivian with all my heart
                        vivian you are lovee of my life