

Walter wrote:
>>> "Walter O. Huegel" <[log in to unmask]> 12/05/97
08:47am >>>
Re: Esther Dyson "A Design for Living in the Digital Age"
(NYTimes Book Review, 11/30/97)    The reviewer says that
Dyson  "looks forward to a world of fulfilling communities in
which creativity is rewarded,  the powerless become powerful
and governments , if not quite withering away, lose many of
their teeth. . . . Though an idealist, she is far from starry
eyed: she realizes that these things will not come about
unless Internet users-the growing Hyper-community of
E-mailers and Web-site browsers - act responsibly
and with foresight."<<<

   AND in that same review the reviewer states:
"Dyson ignores the sinister temptations of virtual reality . . . .
. .temptations which are bound to grow as real reality
[emphasis added] gets even scarier and more complex."
   Is this cyber-speak? Real reality?  Can reality be anything
but actual existence?  If so, the silicon chip has truly created
another dimension.  In which case McLuhan was right: The
medium is the message.
    Stephan Schwartz 53/7
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