

Boomer Panel to Tackle Medicare

In Washington D.C., the infighting is fierce for the big baby boomer political
prize of the decade, appointment to the National Bipartisan Commission on the
Future of Medicare.

The commission is charged with finding a way to keep Medicare solvent in the
face of the approaching ranks of the baby boom generation, hence it is
nicknamed the Boomer Commission.

Although it may sound like another blue-ribbon panel destined to be forgotten,
the commission has the potential for high-profile achievement.

Serving 37 million older and disabled Americans and growing every day,
Medicare constitutes a huge share of the nation's health system, giving the
commission the platform to shape medical care for the coming decades.

"These are appointments many would die for," said Robert Reischauer, a health
policy expert at the Brookings Institution.

And, yes, Reischauer concedes, he would grab a commission post if one were

Recognizing the possibilities, interest groups and political figures have
pulled out the stops in pursuit of the 17 appointments.
Dear List-Family.... The following has far reaching implications to those of
our members living in the USA, and who knows - possibly other nations as well.

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

Political types are climbing over one another to gain the ear of congressional
leaders who -- along with President Clinton -- must name panel members this

The position of chairman is considered critical to the credibility of the
commission. Democrats and Republicans in Congress must agree on the candidate.

But experts say a miracle cure for Medicare will be hard to find. The possible
remedies range from privatizing the program to nationalizing the entire health
care system.