

At 03:43 AM 12/2/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Gordon and Thea,
>Does our doctor out in Oregon do deep brain or thalmic stimulation surgery?
> I've reached the point where I believe it's my next surgical step and
>would like to have it done reasonably close to home.
>Appreciate any info you may be able to secure.
>George L. Bousliman
>>      We admire Dr. Burchiel as a surgeon, but also a caring person. He
does do this surgery as we saw a video regarding it.
        Dr. Kim Burchiel
        Physician and Surgeon
        Division of Neurosurgery
        3181 S.W. Sam Jackson park Road
        Portland, oregon 97201-3098
        Good Luck and please keep in touch--Gordon Seese