

hi art

you wrote:
>...I am a patient, but I am also impatient.  I have patience
>for our leadership to do the job right, but little more than
>is needed.  I certainly don't have patience for several national
>organizations squabbling among each other.

me too!

>In my humble opinion, the Parkinson's Patient Congress already
>exists, in a manner of speaking, here on the Parkinson's Information
>Exchange, THIS LISTSERV (pardon me for shouting), and had and
>continues to have comparable power to NPF, PAN, APDA, and the
>other organizations.

no hierarchy?
the ultimate democracy?
no room for power struggles?
no incentive for power struggles?

>What's even more awesome is that we are an international
>organization, which might even start to get Parkinson
>organizations throughout the world to work together
>with common agenda.  Why not?

why not indeed!

>Y'see, I'm impatient!

and feisty, by the sounds of it!

>And it's only one of several great things that the listserv
>does.  Thank you, Barb Patterson, for this wonderful gift.

me too!

your spirited cyber-sis


janet [log in to unmask]