

Disorders of the sense of smell and taste.

Disorders of olfaction and taste are infrequent, but a complete loss of
smell or taste reduces the quality of life significantly.

The sensitivity of human olfaction is remarkable, even for specific
stimuli: Just a few molecules are enough to induce the correct
identification of sterilised and ultraheated milk.

Olfaction and taste are called 'chemical senses' because in both cases the
adequate stimulus consists of molecules that bind to receptors of the
sensory cells.

The perceptions of smell and taste are often combined.

Taste differentiates only four qualities: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter.

The typical flavor of food or drink is detected by olfaction.

Disturbances of olfaction can be due to respiratory disorders such as nasal
polyps, a deviation of the nasal septum or chronic sinusitis.

Such conditions can reduce airflow through the olfactory cleft at the roof
of the nasal cavity.

They can be corrected by modern endoscopic surgery of the nose.

Epithelial disorders involving the sensory cells are most often caused by
viral infections (influenza-anosmia) or toxic destruction of the sensory
epithelium (solvents or gases).

Epithelial disorders can be cured only rarely by any treatment.

Corticosteroids, zinc, and vitamin A are tried frequently.

Neural disorders occur after frontobasal trauma and during neurological
diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease.

Disorders of olfaction can be an early sign of such neurological diseases
and sophisticated examination of this sense can contribute to their early

However, no specific treatments have yet been identified.

Disorders of taste can be due to toxic, chemical or inflammatory damage to
the sensory cells of the tongue.

Ther Umsch 1995 Nov;52(11):732-737
Huttenbrink KB
Klinik und Poliklinik fur Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde der Medizinischen
Fakultat Carl Gustav Carus, Technischen Universitat Dresden, Germany
PMID: 7502248, MUID: 96092264

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