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Dennis Greene wrote:

> Nearly two days ago I posted a message to the list asking for
> information on the differences between the US national level PD
> organisations and for some historical insight into why there are so
> many. A day ago, Janet Paterson endorsed my questions and added one
> of her own concerning funding of said organisations.
> The silence has been almost deafening.
> The single response I did get, whilst welcome, did not actually
> address my questions at all.
> I have been trying to work out why there has been such a lack of
> response. I have come up with the following, no doubt incomplete,
> list of possibilities:
> 1.      No-one read the questions.
> 2.      No-one understood the questions.
> 3       No-one knows the answers.
> 4.      No-one thinks the subject warrents any of their time.
> 5.      No-one thinks the questioner warrents any of their time.
> 6.      Everyone thinks foriegners shouldn't delve into domestic US PD
> politics.
> 7.      The answer is so complex that someone is still working on it and
> will post it sometime soon.
> *************************************************
> Dennis Greene 48/10
> Dennis, I think that #3 and #7 would be the closest to an answer of why
> you did not get a response to you questions. In addition, IMHO, I think
> that we Americans should also be asking the question of the various
> organizations as to where does their money come from and where does it go,
> in varifiable detail. Especially what is the total income, including all
> perks, of the executive officers of each organization. And how much do
> they actually contribute to research.

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