

This has been my first year of involvement with the Udall Bill.
Because my crazy job limits my personal time and energy, and because
I have no experience in political activism, I've remained a PFC in
the activist chain of command.  My remarks here are those of a
newcomer, so please tell me if I'm way off base.

I'm guessing that attention is being given to unity and a PWP
Congress at this point in the Udall Bill's life-cycle because of
friction encountered among the PD organizations while working for the
bill's passage. The friction is unfortunate, because, I would think,
Udall Bill implementation at a detailed level, along with efforts to
ensure appropriations, ought to be the focus right now. Is there too
much dissention now for this to occur?

It appears that we have little time.  As I understand it, although
the Udall Bill "authorizes" $100 million for fiscal year 1998, plus
unspecified amounts for fiscal 1999 and 2000, all the NIH
appropriations for 1998 (which include an increase but do not include
the $100 million, because the latter was just authorized) have
already been made (in the Labor, Health and Human Services general
approprations bill which Congress just passed this November -- the
bill to which the Udall authorization was attached as an amendment).
I'm just beginning to learn about the federal budget process, and
it's my impression (correct me if I'm wrong) that authorized
programs generally receive appropriations after being included in
the President's budget.  The President presents the 1999 budget to
Congress in January 1998.

It appears we missed getting the $100 million appropriated for 1998,
since it was just recently authorized.  But unless the authorized
Udall measures are covered in the 1999 budget, won't we miss out on
1999 appropriations as well?

It would seem to me that you have a chance of getting a program into
the budget if it has a detailed blueprint along with support of the
President.  I am aware that PAN is addressing the matter of 1999
appropriations, and that at some point we grassroots people will be
requested to do something.  Are NPF, APDA, et. al. addressing this
as well?

Of course there are ongoing strategic issues which it is appropriate
for a PWP Congress to address.  But do our activists have sufficient
time and energy for this now, when effort is needed to work for the

Phil Tompkins
Hoboken NJ