

Funny you should mention colds now, Liz, 'cause I got my first cold in over 8
years yesterday..   I can't smell anything at ALL and my sense of taste is
nearly gone - but then I could hardly smell or taste anything BEFORE I caught
the cold.

Oddly, for some reason, I'm bothered more NOW - psychologically - by the
presumably temporary loss of that wee hint of a sense of smell I had prior to
catching this cold than I've been all these years I've mostly been living with
barely any sense of smell due to the PD.  Dunno why that got to me so
strongly, but it did.  Maybe adding insult to injury?

My daughter dropped by this afternoon with one of our traditional "someone's
ill in the family goodie-packs,"  and it was stuffed with sour lemon balls and
cherry drops, plus a box each of ginger snaps and Oreos (with double "stuff!")
<Mmmmm...>, and 2 quarts of Hagan Daz ice cream.  Included was a jar of
super-chunky peanut butter and a jar of strawberry preserves (ya GOTS to have
strawberry preserves in a PB&J samich!)  YUMMY to it all!!!

It was a rather bizarre experience as Jamie and I picked thru all the goodies
and found out what I could and couldn't taste!  <grin>

The preserves were heavenly - tart and sweet, but OHHH.... the peanut butter
might as well have been flannel! <groaning>  The candy was deeeeeliciously
tasty, and the ginger snaps were great!   Vanilla ice cream fit into the
"flannel category," but the coffee ice cream had that bitter-yet-sweet flavor

I attacked the Oreos in the accepted manner, i.e., opening 'em gently, putting
the non-"stuff" covered piece down on the plate and proceeded to lick all that
gooey white "stuff" off the remaining side of the cookie.

WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT!!! <Waaaaaaah!>  More flannel!  DARN!!

Seriously, I can understand why there's little or no sense of taste or smell
when someone has a cold, but the fact that if ya have PD you lose much of
those senses remains a mystery to me.  A mystery no one's ever been able to
satisfactorily explain to me.

Barb Mallut (a-CHOOOOOOOO!)
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Elizabeth Southwood
Sent:   Sunday, November 30, 1997 10:28 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: PMID: 9371905: Olfactory dysfunction in familial PD 27/0 USA

I have no information about our PWP sense of smell.  I know mine is mostly
gone but what's weird is that sometimes it's back and I can smell and taste.
 I can always taste M&M's except when I have a cold.   Liz S/