

My experience with Ropinirole:
I started with one 0.25 mg tablet/d and increased the dosage weekly by 0.25
mg. I did this for 7 weeks. I thought there were no adverse side effects
however I did not find any improvement in my Parkinson either. In the
meantime I seemed to have something wrongh with my digestive system as I
began to have excruciating epigastric pain. My GI specialist could not find
any cause for the pain in my stomach and esophagus and tried to treat it
symptomatically. But the pain became worse by the day and started to spread
to my chest and my back. In the end my GI specialist concluded it must be
my gall-bladder and suggested surgery. This was the moment when my wife
said: "Is it not a coincidence that every time you increase the dose of
Ropinirole the pain becomes worth?" And then it hit me that she was right.
I was then taking 1.75 mg/d. I stopped the medication. After ten hours my
pain vanished and I had the first restful night in 7 weeks. So much for "no
adverse effects" of Ropinirole. Anyone with a similar experience?

Dr. Rene R. Roth, M.Sc., Ph.D.