

Beretta wrote:
> Hello, my father was diagnosed with Parkinson's in '93.  He has
> had a number of physical therapy treatments but it is very difficult
> to get his insurance company to approve the number of visits that
> he actually needs.  Since both my mother (caregiver), brother and I
> work, it is difficult for us to take time to do the exercises with him and
> he will not do them alone.  I was reading a book by Glenna Atwood
> and it mentioned an exercise video for Parkinson's patients called
> "Get Up And Go".  It costs approximately $45.  I've considered
> ordering it for my dad hoping it will get him to exercise.  Before I do,
> I was wondering if anyone has heard of it?  Is it worth the money?
> Does anyone know of any other videos available or good books
> about PD?  I am particularly interested in the video since I think that
> this may get him to exercise as he has been complaining of stiffness
> more than usual recently.  Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Kathy
> (daughter of PD, 75/4)
My parents and I borrowed this video from the Parkinson's group that
meets in this area.  The group has no hard-and-fast rules about
returning items within 3 days or whatever; they said just bring it back
to one of the meetings next time (they meet once a month) .  Maybe you
could get one on a temporary basis like this, and see if a friend or a
neighbor might come over and exercise also with him...
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mary Helen Krane, daughter of George and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Sarah(72/2 and no more Sinimet)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        [log in to unmask]