

I think the problems are  only with certain states. The fact that Dale
Severance had no trouble in NJ is encouraging;  you probably won't
either, but I'd check into i beforehand.   I had my primary care dr.
write a letter and had no problem in OK.  It would be a real service if
we could compile a list of states, designating the ones that yank
licenses immediately, those that make you come in for further tests, or
otherwise hassle you automatically.

 If those who have applied for a card/sticker would report to me with
their state,  and the action taken or lack of action, I'd be glad to come
up with such a list; we might not get all states but should come close.
Off-list  replies would save time of  those not interested.

I'm not adverse to reasonable regulations regarding public safety, but
they should be even-handed.   Too bad those who suffer from road rage
don't need such a sticker!

Kathy Kunz  62/3+
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