

Hello PD List,

I'm glad to have found you.  Thanks to Barbara Patterson for suggesting I
introduce myself.

My name is Jane Koenig (e-mail address: [log in to unmask]).  I
live in Marietta, GA, outside Atlanta.

My father, a recent widower currently living in central Florida, has been
(sort of) diagnosed with PD.  The diagnosis process and care has been
extremely frustrating for him and for his children.  About 18 months ago,
at age 78, he was remarkably healthy.  His favorite activity was rowing and
every week day he would take his single scull to the local lake and work
out.  A year ago he found he could not lift himself out of the scull onto
the dock.  His regular GP took until this past summer to diagnose PD, after
putting him through a myriad of tests for possible heart and GI problems.
He prescribed Levidopa/Cartidopa (sorry if I've got the spelling wrong) but
there was no response.  Then Doctor #1 died.  He hooked up with another GP
who immediately sent him to a neurologist.  He was told to stop taking the
medication and an MRI was done.  The neuro said he has "a form of
Parkinson's", that it would get worse, and sent him home with NO
recommended treatment.

So there he sits.  His right arm (he's right handed) is almost useless.  He
does not have tremors, but shows almost all the other symptoms--shuffling,
slowness, difficulty getting up and down and, I think, some freezing.
Sometimes he just seems to get stuck.

We are preparing for him to move near me (house on the market, etc.).  I
have read about the work at Emory and hope to get him in there as soon as
he arrives here.  Meanwhile, I joined this list as part of my research
effort.  I want to find the best possible care for him and I want to be
knowledgeable enough to help him ask the right questions and get some
action from the medical community.  And, of course, I look forward to being
part of this support group and benefitting from whatever advice you can offer.

Any ideas for us?


Jane Koenig