

 been haveing such a pitty party for my self i did not see sonia,jim,dale
where feeling bad. so hear is the touwl i was useing. get beter all3 of you.
is my key board spelling any better?  oh i want the great sweet person on
there help with there gratutude for my comp. after lot of soul serching i am
useing it as you wish it entend for. i am like the old old masn whith the
light looking for a honest man and it seem we got one hear on the net. so
all i can say thank you very very much. we had comby yeserday and to day.
she woeks in nuresing home the have 3 pwp asked if i could come and help. i
will do all ican so see how good deeds can help.

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                        73/25 lima,ohio
                       I.Y.Q.don&vivian  love of my life