

On Wed, 10 Dec 1997, "Stephanie M. Dorsch" wrote:

>Regarding Janet Reno:
>I highly regard the way she has handled her position. I know many if not
>most of us who find ourselves in situations similar though not as weighty
>try to handle our stress as though it is not there.
>I firmly believe she is more than up to the job.

I totally agree, Stephanie.  I've been a fan of Ms. Reno ever since she
appeared on the national scene. Personally, I think of her as, what my Dad
use to call a "straight shooter".  She can be in my fox hole anytime.
I, especially, like the way she doesn't allow any "full of hot air"
senator push her around but, rather,  keeps on insisting she takes full
responsibility for any of her decisions.

Stephanie also said:

>"If we fold (follow the popular thinking of the day) we become "common"
>just one of the crowd.

Frankly, Stephanie, you entire message bears repeating.  Like your
attitude, spirit and style. Here...I'll move over because you'd be more
than welcome in that foxhole too. :)

Klara Nistler
Gene Nistler 63 yrs, 11 yrs. PK