

Because of transmission errors in this very important post I am resending it
in total.
from Michael Claeys, Parkinson's Action Network-

Urge President Clinton To Fully Fund Udall Act

Call and Tell Your Senators to Sign McCain/Wellstone Letter

November 13, 1997 witnessed the historic signing into law of the Morris K.
Udall Parkinson's Research Act.  It was a landmark day for every person who
cares about Parkinson's, particularly those in the advocacy community who made
it happen.

As big a step as it is, however, passage of the Udall Act alone is not enough.
The Udall Act authorizes (or approves) the increased research funding, but it
is up to Congress and the President to ensure that the money gets appropriated
(or actually provided).

One way to do this is for the President to include specific and directed
funding in his fiscal year 1999 budget request, which he is now preparing.
Inclusion in the President 's budget will give Parkinson's a position at the
starting line of the 1999 budget process, rather than leaving us having to
catch up to the rest of the field.

Recognizing the importance of this early action, the Udall Act's Senate
champions, John McCain (R-AZ) and Paul Wellstone (D-MN), have drafted a letter
to President Clinton urging him to include full funding of the Udall Act as
part of his fiscal year 1999 budget Request (please see attached draft).
Senators McCain and Wellstone are now circulating the letter among their 64
Senate colleagues who cosponsored the Udall bill this year and asking that
they join in urging the President to fund the Udall Act.

Obviously, the greater the number of Senators signing the letter, the greater
the show of Congressional antically important to getting the needed resources
into the hands of Parkinson's researchers.

Below is a list of Senators cosponsoring the Udall bill.  If one or both of
your Senators is on the list, contact them immediately, and urge them to sign
the McCain/Wellstone letter!  Speak with your Senator's Washington, DC office,
and ask that someone call you back to confirm that your Senator has signed the

Please do not mail letters to you Senators, time is too short!

Call your Senators today!  All Senators can be reached through the Capitol
switchboard at (202)-224-3121.  If you would like to fax or email your
messages, please contact the Network at (800) 850-4726 for your Senators'
fax numbers and email addresses.

If one or both of your Senators did not cosponsor, immediately contact them
and ask them to send their own letter to President Clinton urging full funding
of the Udall Act in 1999!  (You can give them the attached McCain/Wellstone
letter as a guide.)

Please act now!

If you have any questions, please contact Michael Claeys at (800) 850-4726.

S.535 - The Morris K. Udall Parkinson's Disease Research Act of 1997
Introduced by: John McCain, R-AZ & Paul Wellstone, D-MN
64 Cosponsors:
Robert Bennett, R-UT
Joseph Biden D-DE
Jeff Bingaman D-NM
Christopher (Kit) Bond, R-MO
Barbara Boxer, D-CA
John Breaux, D-LA
Sam Brownback, R-KS
Richard Bryan, D-NV
Conrad Burns, R-MT
Ben Nighthorse Campbell, R-CO
Max Cleland, D-GA
Thad Cochran, R-MS
Susan Collins, R-ME
Paul Coverdell R-GA
Larry Craig R-ID
Alfonse D'Amato R-NY
Thomas Daschle D-SD
Mike De Wine R-OH
Christopher Dodd D-CT
Byron Dorgan D-ND
Richard Durbin D-IL
Lauch Faircloth R-NC
Dianne Feinstein D-CA
Wendell Ford D-KY
John Glenn D-OH
Slade Gorton R-WA
Bob Graham D-FL
Charles Grassley R-IA
Tom Harkin D-IA
Orrin G. Hatch R-UT
Ernest Hollings D-SC
Tim Hutchinson R-AR
James Inhofe R-OK
Daniel Inouye D-HI
Tim Johnson D-SD
Edward Kennedy D-MA
Robert Kerrey D-NE
John Kerry D-MA
Frank Lautenberg D-NJ
Patrick Leahy D-VT
Carl Levin D-MI
Joseph Lieberman D-CT
Connie Mack R-FL
Mitch McConnell R-KY
Barbara Mikulski D-MD
Carol Moseley Braun D-IL
Patrick Moynihan D-NY
Patty Murray D-WA
Don Nickles R-OK
Jack Reed D-RI
Harry Reid, D-NV
Charles S. Robb D-VA
John Rockefeller D-VW
William Roth Jr. R-DE
Rick Santorum R-PA
Paul Sarbanes D-MD
Jeff Sessions R-AL
Richard Shelby R-AL
Gordon Smith R-OR
Olympia Snowe R-ME
Arlen Specter R-PA
Robert Torricelli D-NJ
John Warner R-VA
Ron Wyden R-OR

Text of McCain/Wellstone Letter to President Clinton:
President William Clinton
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC

Dear President Clinton,

As you prepare the federal budget request for fiscal year 1999, we urge you to
include funding to implement the Morris K. Udall Parkinson's Research and
Education Act.

As you know, this important provision authorizing  $100 million for
Parkinson's research at the National Institutes of Health was included in H.R.
2264, the FY98 labor /HHS Appropriations bill which you signed into law on
November 13, 1997.

Parkinson's disease is a cruel and debilitating disease which afflicts more
than one million Americans.  People afflicted by this dreadful disease
experience tremors, loss of balance and repeated falls, loss of memory,
confusion, and depression.  Ultimately, this disease results in total
incapacity for an individual, including the inability to speak.  Each of them
lives with fear and frustration as they become prisoners within their own
bodies, clinging to the hope that a scientific breakthrough may soon be
discovered and they will be liberated.

The Udall provision will sustain the hope of the millions of Americans who
suffer with this disease by increasing the federal government's financial
investment in Parkinson's research and allowing us to make significant
scientific progress.

Recently, our nation's scientists have been making tremendous progress in the
field of Parkinson's research.  In fact, there are significant indications of
a very strong potential for major breakthroughs in identifying the cause and
treatment of Parkinson's in this decade.  According to a wide array of
experts, we are on the verge of substantial, ground-breaking scientific
discoveries regarding the cause and potential cure of Parkinson's disease.  It
is imperative that we provide funding for the Udall bill in FY 1999 and give
our scientific researchers the necessary funding and support to seize this
rare opportunity to beat Parkinson's.

That is why we supported the Udall Parkinson's Research Act and worked
together for it to become law during the first session of the 105th Congress.
We urge you to include full funding for the Morris K. Udall Parkinson's
Research and Education Act as a part of your FY 1999 budget request.  Millions
of Americans are looking to all of us for the financial support needed to find
a cure for this cruel disease.

John McCain, United States Senator                         Paul Wellstone,
United States Senator