

Evenings - not late nite, but early to mid-evenings - are just about my
roughest time of the day when it comes to PD symptoms.   The stretch from five
p.m. to about 10 or 11.   After that I feel pretty good, and that's having
been off Sinemet for several hours already (usually take my last dose about
6-ish in the evening...)

I've been monitoring myself as so many of us Parkies do to see where in the
day my peak hours and lowest points have migrated to lately (and they DO
change with OR without my being actively involved).

I make my last "List email run" each day between 10 and 11 p.m..  And I've
noticed no matter HOW yucky I feel as I sit down at my PD and logon, after the
initial 20 minutes or so I'm comfortably relaxed and at ease within myself.
Oh, maybe just a little slow in my movements, but no particular distressing
discomfort I can't live with.  This happens nite after nite...

Odd.... but after giving it some serious thought I believe YOU all are like a
PD treatment - with no negative side effects, either! <smile>

I'm not gonna even ASK "why, " 'cause that's not as important to me as the
fact that this just happens each day.  Sooo... I'll just say THANKS - you're
"good medicine" for me, and let it go at that.<'nother smile>

Love to you all...

Barb Mallut (now relaxed as can be!)
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