

UPDATE from Parkinson's Action Network, Mike Claeys
UPDATE--"Senator McCain's office has indicated that they would like to have as
many cosigners as possible to the McCain/Wellstone letter by DECEMBER19, so it
can go to the President before his budget request is
finalized.  Our information indicates that this date is very near to
when the White House hopes to finish its budget request, so please act
as soon as possible to urge your Senators to sign onto the letter." -UPDATE
Contact your Senators and tell them to Sign the McCain/Wellstone Letter

Recognizing the importance of early action, the Udall Act's Senate champions,
John McCain (R-AZ) and Paul Wellstone (D-MN) have drafted a letter to
President Clinton urging him to include full funding of the Udall Act as part
of his fiscal year 1999 budget request.

Senators McCain and Wellstone are now circulating the letter among their 64
Senate colleagues who cosponsored the Udall bill this year and asking that
they join in urging the President to fund the Udall Act.

If one or both of your Senators is on the list contact them immediately and
urge them to sign the McCain/Wellstone Letter.

All senators can be reached through the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.

Alabama (AL)                     FAX NUMBER
Sen. Richard Shelby    fx 202-224-3416  [log in to unmask]

Jeff Sessions R-AL

Sen. Tim Hutchinson R-AR      fx 202-228-3973
[log in to unmask]

Sen. Dianne Feinstein D-CA     fx 202-228-3954
[log in to unmask]

Sen. Barbara Boxer D-CA     [log in to unmask]

Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell R-CO  fx 202-224-1933

Sen. Christopher Dodd D-CT   fx 202-224-1083  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Joseph Lieberman D-CT  fx 202-224-9750
[log in to unmask]

Sen. William Roth, Jr. R-DE        fx 202-228-0354

Sen. Joseph Biden  D-DE     fx 202-224-0139  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Bob Graham   D-FL    fx  202-224-2237  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Connie Mack  R-FL     fx 202-224-8022  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Paul Coverdell  R-GA     fx 202-228-3783
[log in to unmask]

Sen. Max Cleland D-GA    fx 202-224-0072
[log in to unmask]

Sen. Daniel Inouye D-HI       fx  202-224-6747  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Charles Grassley  R-IA     fx 202-224-6020
[log in to unmask]

Sen. Tom Harkin  D-IA   fx 202-224-9369  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Larry Craig  R-ID    fx 202-228-1067  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun  D-IL   fx 202-224-2626  senator@moseley-

Sen. Richard Durbin D-IL      fx    202-228-0400

Sen. Sam Brownback   R-KS    fx  202-224-8952
[log in to unmask]

Sen. Wendell Ford D-KY   fx 202-224-0046   [log in to unmask]

Sen. Mitch McConnell R-KY      fx  202-224-2499  [log in to unmask]

Sen. John Breaux D-LA      fx 202-224-4268  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy  D-MA      fx 202-224-2417  [log in to unmask]

Sen. John Kerry  D-MA     fx  202-224-8525   [log in to unmask]

Sen. Paul Sarbanes D-MD      fx 202-224-1651  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Barbara Mikulski  D-MD   fx 202-224-8858  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Olympia Snowe  R-ME          fx 202-224-1946  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Susan Collins  R-ME          fx 202-224-2693  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Carl Levin  D-MI        fx  202-224-1388  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Christopher "Kit" Bond R-MO      fx  202-224-8149
[log in to unmask]

Sen. Thad Cochran R-MS         fx 202-224-9450  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Conrad Burns  R-MT         fx 202-224-8594
[log in to unmask]

Sen. Lauch Faircloth  R-NC     fx 202-224-7406   [log in to unmask]

Sen. Byron Dorgan   D-ND          fx 202-224-1193  [log in to unmask]

Sen. J. Robert Kerrey  D-NE      fx 202-224-7645  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Frank Lautenberg D-NJ     fx 202-224-9707
[log in to unmask]

Sen. Robert Torricelli D-NJ      fx 202-224-8567
[log in to unmask]

Sen. Jeff Bingaman  D-NM        fx 202-224-2852
[log in to unmask]

Sen. Harry Reid  D-NV       fx 202-224-7327  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Richard Bryan D-NV    fx 202-224-1867  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan  D-NY     fx 202-228-0406  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Alfonse D'Amato  R-NY     fx 202-224-5871  [log in to unmask]

Sen. John Glenn  D-OH             fx  202-224-7983
[log in to unmask]

Sen. Mike DeWine  R-OH            fx fx 202-224-6519
[log in to unmask]

Sen. Don Nickles  R-OK         fx 202-224-6008  [log in to unmask]

Sen. James Inhofe R-OK         fx 202-228-0380

Sen. Ron Wyden  R-OR        fx 202-228-2717  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Gordon Smith  R-OR      fx 202-224-0276  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Arlen Specter R-PA         fx 202-228-1229
[log in to unmask]

Sen. Rick Santorum  R-PA     fx 202-228-0604  [log in to unmask]

Sen. John F. 'Jack' Reed    fx 202-224-4680

Sen. Ernest Hollings  D-SC      fx 202-224-4293  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Thomas Daschle  D-SD     fx 202-224-2047  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Tim Johnson  D-SD        [log in to unmask]

Sen. Orrin Hatch  R-UT        fx 202-224-6331  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Robert Bennett  R-UT    fx 202-224-4908  [log in to unmask]

Sen. John Warner R-VA      fx 202-224-6079  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Charles Robb  D-VA     fx 202-224-8689  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Patrick Leahy  D-VT   fx 202-224-3595  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Slade Gorton  R-WA     fx 202-224-9393  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Patty Murray  D-WA      fx 202-224-0238  [log in to unmask]

Sen. Jay Rockefeller  D-WV     fx 202-224-7665  [log in to unmask]