

BOING G G G! <--- Barb hears a "wake-up bell")

OHMAGOD!!  Dennis - I just posted a day or two ago that for the past few
months evenings seem to have become the worst PD-symptom time of day for me..
and that it seems to take my usual 6-ish p.m. dose of Sinemet up to 3 hours
(instead of it's former 45 minutes) to kick-in.

I ran out of sugar a few months ago and keep for getting to pick up some more
at the market. The only time I ever use sugar (except when it's already
included in a store-bought food) in my diet has been  the 2 teaspoonfuls I
added to my one post-dinner cuppa tea  - and since I had Nutrasweet in the
house at the time I ran out of sugar, I've used THAT in my tea each evening.
AND I've felt YUCKY each evening since I've started using that Nutrasweet!!!

Suddenly, all the pieces to this puzzle have fallen into place!   I'm gonna
pick up a box of sugar today and TRASH that Nutrasweet!!!

The thing that is astounding to me is I only used the two little bags of
Nutrasweet each evening.  That's ALL I use of it on any given day... I don't
keep colas in the house unless I've got company coming over (errrrr.... I
don't keep colas at home 'cause I drink too many of 'em if they're THAT
accessible  --- which is another way of saying my willpower is NIL) <grin>.
So to ME, it looks like aspartame's one heckuva potent dopamine-suppressor in
my case!

I'll post in a coupla-three weeks to let ya all know if dropping the 2 tiny
bags of Nutrasweet from my diet make a significant difference in upgrading the
quality of my evening "on time." (and I strongly suspect it will!)

Barb Mallut
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Dennis Greene
Sent:   Friday, December 12, 1997 3:59 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Nutrasweet/aspartame

Around the 10th of November a message entitled MSG was posted to the
list. It spoke of the dangers associated with consuming aspartame
(aka nutrasweet). In response to a statement that aspartame causes
changes to the dopamine levels in the brain, and in a spirit of "
What do I have to lose?",  I stopped drinking diet drinks, my
principal source of aspartame.

I have observed the following reactions. (Please note that I
acknowledge that most of what follows is subjective.  I am also aware
that I may be experiencing a placebo affect, though I do not believe
this to be the case).

1.  Within 36 hours of stopping aspartame my right side dyskinesia
increased to the level of my pre-pallidotomy left side dyskinsia.
This was quickly controled by decreasing my daily levadopa intake by
150 mg

2.  Whilst initially able to function well on the reduced levadopa
level, after a week I needed to increase my dose.  Since then I have
found that the severe dyskinesia tends to occur towards the end of a
two day period and can be stopped by reducing the next dose of
levadopa by 25mg.

3.  For reasons I cannot yet explain I occasionly take a dose which
does not work, leaving me "off" for up to three hours.  The next dose
works normally. To put this in perspective, I am well versed in the
subtleties of timing meds, mealtimes, protien, etc

4.  The transition from "on" to "off" seems more abrupt

5.  The "on" periods not affected by severe dyskinesia (ie most of
the time) are the best I have experienced in years.  They no longer
have the "brittle" quality which they had previously and I feel
closer to my memory of normal.

6.  Many friends and acquantences who have encountered me recently
during a good "on" period have remarked that I am looking well.
This takes on more significance when I tell you that this list
includes my GP, my neurologist (met in neutral territory when we
passed in a corridor - cheapest consult I've had in years)  and the
person who conducted 6 months of post pallidotomy tests on me, the
last just two months ago.


I am reasonably certain that in my case at least, aspartame has had
the affect of reducing the amount of naturally ocurring dopamine. I
don't think the amount involved is large, but it is significant. I
would urge any PWP who regularily uses this substence to exclude it
from their diet for a period to check what, if any, affects it may be
having on them.

I shan't be using it again.


Dennis Greene 48/10
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