

To: Kathy and others looking for exercise instruction,

I found in the meantime that the binder course and audio tapes made
available by the United Parkinson Foundation in Chicago, is really free f=
the asking to those that contribute regularly, but for those who don't, t=
cost is only $15.00.

We have a very good support group here in Dallas, called "The Dallas Area=

Parkinsonism Society".
They make free physical therapy classes available. At several locations w=
get together three times a week for an hour of exercises with an
This is fantastic, if you know how expensive that kind of thing is.
Many of us are feeling so much better because of that. I was a hard sell,=

much too lazy, I guess.
But I am sold now. It really limbers you up, even though the exercises ar=
mostly done sitting on a normal straight-backed chair, or standing behind=

it. The chair is there to help those with balance problems.

Who knows, maybe there is something like that available in your area. It =
worthwhile to try and find out.   =

Wish you luck,

Will A. Kuipers
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