


THANK YOU FOR volunteering to compile a list of experiences with individual
states motor vehicle departments (AND local police departments - it is each
local police chief's responsiblity to issue temporary permits in NJ, for
example; I don't even know about permanent permits).  I agree with your
caution, though, that more than one positive response probably would be
wise before anyone should feel comfortable of not being hassled in a
HANDICAPPED (I imagine some states have changed that word) PARKING PERMITS
or the experiences  of people you know about,  and please post them even if
you have seen your state already mentioned.  Please include the approximate
date and what arm of government with which you dealt.

I hope anyone who has had any kind of experience or know of any kind does,
lets the rest of us know.  There is some bias out there against any of us
driving.  For example, I recall a year or so ago Ann Landers expressed a
real biased opinion of PWP driving in her column.  In responding to a
question about some totally unrelated matter, I think it was, she used an
analogy of some sort which included something to the effect that most
people who have PD are still driving, inferring we shouldn't be.  One of us
wrote to her pointing out the varying degrees of severity of PD, etc., and
received no reply.

We seem to have had poor responses to many good survey requests, lately.  I
have ignored some myself which i shoudn't have. Lurkers - please give us
your input.  I kind of think that people should post to the list, and not
to Kathy directily, so as to remind other to who have put it off, or to
change the minds of thosewho didn't think their experiences were important.
        Bruce Anderson (51, 3+)
        Schooley's Mtn., NJ 07853

 -  If those who have applied for a card/sticker would report to me with
> their state,  and the action taken or lack of action, I'd be glad to come
> up with such a list; we might not get all states but should come close.
> Off-list  replies would save time of  those not interested.
> I'm not adverse to reasonable regulations regarding public safety, but
> they should be even-handed.   Too bad those who suffer from road rage
> don't need such a sticker!
> Kathy Kunz  62/3+
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