

Having suffered six weeks of intolerable pain with Sciatica (leg pain due to
pressure on or inflamation of the sciatic  nerve which runs down the leg) I
am interested in any experience or advice on how PD interacts with this
horrible complaint.Most of my pain seems to come from muscle spasm some of
which is obviously made worse by pd as there is some minor relief when the
meds sinemet and pergolide are working well.Muscle spasm, cramp, dystonia
all seem to belong to the same school.Any suggestions welcome.Physios,
chiropractors,doctors round here seem to have a very sketchy understanding
of Parkinsons.
Ive tried pain relief pills, anti inflammatories, Tens machine' heat/cold,
rest, a chiropracor who seems to think the spasm starts in the Piriformis
muscle but all to no avail.Extra sinemet works for a time in getting my back
into a more upright position but any dyskinesia is pure hell.Thank God for
my pc - it does one's mind off the pain.

Merry Christmas all

David Langridge.