

I don't know 'bout the rest of ya but I've gone thru trifocals and bifocals
and have even bought Mr. Magoo-like (read THAT as THICK!) reading glasses at
the drugstore in an effort to be able to take the strain off my neck and
shoulders when I'm sitting at my 'puter.

So far, nothing has worked and I find I'm either leaning forward with my head
tipped back at an impossible angle (ohhhhhh, my aching neck and shoulders!),
or I'm sitting SO far back that while I CAN see the screen, my arms don't
reach the keyboard!  YIKES!  Not good....

I came across a reasonably priced visual aid the other day which has REALLY
made a difference in that it permits me to sit at a comfortable, normal
distance from the monitor and SEE what's on the screen!  Hallelujah!!! (chorus
of angel voices swells in song) <giggle>

This visual aid product is call "FLIP-FOCALS," and you can read up about 'em
by logging onto their Web site at:

Basically, it's like adding a stronger-than-usual bi-focal to the TOP
two-thirds of your glasses that flips up and out of the way when you want to
get up and move around.  By putting the bi-focal at the top ya don't have to
sit in an impossible position, hunched up with your head tilted back to see
the monitor.  Ya even get a little attachment to affix to your monitor (or
wherever else ya may want it) so ya can "park" the Flip-Focals there safely
when they're not in use.

The Flip-Focal toll-free phone number (in the USA) is (800) 425-868-1266.

I've gotta tell ya, at $19.95 for members of The Third Age Web site <and
anyone over 45 years old SHOULD be a member of.  It's FREE to join the Third
Age, at:  >, plus a nominal shipping charge, this is ONE
good investment.

Oh.... and I have no financial or other interest in either Flip-Focals or The
Third Age.

Barb Mallut
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