

At 08:35 PM 12/14/97 UT, Barb wrote:
>Ken... Of COURSE I still have my car!    Who's gonna steal a '91 red Geo
>when there's all the new Mercedes Benzes, Rolls Royce's, Ferraris, BMWs,
>Lexus', and Infinitis all over the city just BEGGING to be stolen?!?

What if the thief was blind?  Of course his seeing-eye-dog would put up a
fight because of the thief's lack of taste.  Then the dog would chew one of
the guy's legs off so the guy couldn't drive.  Later after the blind guy
crawled away, the dog would chew the blind guy's other leg off to make sure
it wouldn't happen again! Then leave a "scent" so that other blind guys
would stay away.

>I'm sure I could leave my car parked right at the curb at night instead of in
>my locked garage and "all" that would happen is the hubcaps and maybe the
>tires would be nabbed! <rueful grin>
Tires that small would only fit on a 1958 Rambler or a 63 Pinto!  Those
cars may survive in LALA Land, where poor taste is an art, but in Maine
they rusted out while still in the dealer's lot!

>And as for our elected officials here in L.A... well, one of our city
>councilmen was just indited for felony drug possession.
Indited hell; in Massachusetts these guys get elected while in jail serving
their sentences!
                                                                Peace, John