

Would like to thank all of you who responded to my request for help on Requip.
Special thanks to:
Camilla.  I have followed with interest and empathy, Peters travails.  Hope that
Requip works for him.
Dale S.  For his personal information and encouragement.  Hope your wife's
Chhristmas present works out.
Jim C. For info on workable doses.
Ernie P.  For a well written letter on doseage and personal experience.
Went to my ND appointment well armed but lost the skirmish.  Failed to convince
him by showing personal testimonials, that best results occurred at dosages of 6
mg and up. (I'm currently at 2.25 mg) left with PX for 3 mg a day,10 days, 4 mg
20 days and the urge to find new ND.
Will keep you updated on future experiences.

Joe Young (65,6) Started Requip,12/1/97
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