

I found the University of Rochester Review Article in Charles Meyer's
E-mail of December 18th most interesting and informative. An excellent
means to find out what research on PD is underway on university

Somewhat related is a note in the Winter/97 edition of the University of
Toronto Alumni News magazine where on pages 25 to 26 it describes the
funding recently acquired to set up a Jack Clark Chair in Parkinson's
Disease Research. The role of the incumbent will be to contriubte
significantly to the body of scholarship and research leading to the
discovery of a cure for Parkinson's. The chair is named for John H.
Clark, who received his bachelor's degree in mining engineering from my
alma mater in 1950.

 A second article pertaining to PD is a tribute to President Emeritus
James Ham who died on September 16th at age 76. I had been involved with
Jim on a university project during his term as President from 1978 to
1983. At the time he was quite energetic, articulate, able, and
apparently in good health. I was therefore surpised to read that his
death was a result of "complications from Parkinson's Disease".

Ken clements               < [log in to unmask]

64/2                       Ottawa CANADA