

It has been suggested that I should "cross-post" this poem which I sent to
the CARE list, as there are many CGs who are not on CARE.

>To: [log in to unmask]
>From: "Camilla H.Flintermann" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: A gift

>Dear CAREing friends--  Today, in contrast to last Christmas, Peter was
>able to be at our daughter's home with all the family, for dinner,a
>sharing of gifts, and many hugs! What a wonderful gift that was for all of
>In thinking about this afterwards, I found this poem shaping itself in my
>mind and heart, which I want to give to all of you, with my deep
>                       A CAREGIVER'S LITANY
>               For the day that starts and ends well,
>                       We are thankful.
>               For medications that work--most of the time,
>                       We are thankful.
>               For the hand that is steady, the foot that can step,
>                       We are thankful.
>               For the struggle that ends in success,
>                       We are thankful.
>               For the smile that cracks the mask,
>                       We are thankful.
>               For nights of healing rest,
>                       We are thankful.
>               For shared communication,
>                       We are thankful.
>               For those who understand,
>                       We are thankful.
>               For memory of days past, and hope for tomorrow,
>               for love that sustains us both,
>                       We are, most of all,
>                               thankful.

  Camilla          [log in to unmask]


  *"In all beginnings, endings lie enfolded,*
  * implicit and invisible as roots."...CHF *