

Lissen Ken, if Kaiser won't ante up for an 8-track player for me, they might
as well not send the slightly used tape (tho Annoying Songs by Deceased
Folksingers of the 19th Century" IS one of my all-time favorites) <grin>

I hate to say this about Kaiser, but I have a feeling they're gonna say that
an 8-track tape player isn't essential to my well being (just an educated
guess on my part).  Tho they MIGHT go for letting my primary care physician
SING them songs to em while I'm getting my physical next week. <LOL>

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

Ken Becker said:

Barb I called up Kaiser and checked, to see about getting you a harp and
lessons, they said all they could do is loan you a slightly used 8-track cart
of "Annoying Songs by Deceased Folksingers of the 19th century" Played on a
genuine Mattel Toy Company Harp,and police whistle by Knewt Gingrich's Brother
-in-Law.  Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for shipping and handling, these tapes are
in short supply. Your Co-payment is only $39.95, plus tax, shipping, handling,
and drugtesting only $19.95 additional.Please remember Kaiser's motto "If you
are illin' we be billin'"
(sent by friend of Ken Becker, who is crouching, grimacing and hiding!)