

  befor i read my mail. i would like to say what i read in our local paper.
aa 17yr old boy had the pd in plant i can,t spell the real name for it. any
how he has cp and was not except by his peers. so the tried the pd implant
on him it worked. he is from pitt. pen. so you see how lot off goodcaan come
out of things. it made me feel so good that a young boy can be made happy.
so it al so made me feel i am not so bad off i amm 73 he 17 got a full live
ahead of him i hope to live other 73 but let him have a ggood life i had
mine. so pwp we don,t have such a bad life.

                      [log in to unmask]
                      73/26 lima,ohio

                       I.Y.Q. don&vivian love of my life