

To Senator John McCain, and his "family," from his friends in Arizona.

    Holiday Greetings to Arizona Senator John McCain and His Entire Family

When we were children, not long ago,
Christmas was  magic, a blanket of snow,
Yet the season was warm and giving,
A time for love and sharing, and a joy to be living!

As we grow older, and Santa no longer remembers our name,
Many find Christmas has lost meaning - and can they be blamed?
The once sacred season is turning more to personal gain,
Each Christmas with more artificial trees, toys more complex than that

old electric train.

So when Santa Claus came calling, just a few weeks back,
With no electronic games, no Barbies with Ken appearing in his pack,
We knew at once that this was a special visit indeed,
"I'm early because this is important," he explained, "But this is not from me -
        I could not fill this need!"

No, Santa's elves could not have produced  the Morris K. Udall Parkinson's
Simple, yet so controversial that after three years  it was unpassed still.
So it took a special commitment to lead this year's campaign,
A commitment so admirably met by Arizona's Senator John McCain.

Thank you, Senator, for being a man who cares.
Thank you for being the answer to many, many prayers.
Thank you for listening!  And all the work you've done on our behalf!
Our warmest holiday greetings go out to you and your family, including your

dedicated  staff.


Composed by Bob Dolezal, sent by the members and friends of the Arizona
Parkinson's Disease Association December, 1997