

I noticed a few days ago some one posted an inquire on how to alleviate the
symptoms of Restless Legs Syndrom.  I sent a reply but it did not show up on
the list.

Shortly after I was diagnosed with PD in the summer of 1995, and prior to
being put on any medication, I joined a double blind clinical trial with the
NIH in Bethesda MD.  Some months later I developed RLS.  The Doctors at NIH
tried several drugs but nothing seemed to help.  Finally they started me on
Sinemet CR.  That helped some what for a while but eventually nothing seemed
to help.  I spent many a night walking the living room  floor till I was
exhausted and then I would get 2 or 3 hrs sleep.  Not a happy time.

About two months ago my neurologist put me on Mirapex.  Within 24 hrs the RLS
disappeared.  I am now getting a full night's sleep.  A miracle drug.

I am curious if many people with  PD suffer with RLS.

J. Eldon Green  ([log in to unmask])