

Don you are such an inspiration.  I do not often reply to your posts but I
always read them and wanted to tell you that I printed out your "preacher
flash" to send to my adult children.
And hearing about Vivian and your love for each other is an inspiration -
when I feel that this devil PD is pulling our relationships apart - in you
come with some new way of declaring your love for each other and believe me
I am sure it humbles us all.
I am glad you had a lovely Christmas with your children at home. You
shouldn't feel bad about them seeing you when you are not at your best.  It
helps them to realise just what it is you and Vivian have to put up with.
And it helps to share the burden.
One of the things which bothers me as a carer is that others (and
especially doctors) do not see our PWP partners when they are at their
worst.  In our case, they do not know of the times when Bob will say "never
mind" when he has been trying to say something and he just can't get the
words out.  Or when, after Christmas day he confessed that it had been a
long hard day for him, trying to make himself understood all day.
Neither do they understand the pain with which he had to admit that he
could not take on Jury duty (he was recently called up) because his speech
is so unreliable - especially over time. And this is something he would
have loved to do.
However, he is doing what he can, and today, it is working in our
daughter's back yard -- hanging a gate, tidying up or whatever.  It is his
way of giving, now that "conversation" is limited.

Don, you may be interested to know that on Christmas day, as the sun was
setting, Bob and I went to the beach and I swam while the sun set.  It was
We often walk on the beach in the mornings - a two KM walk followed by a
swim.  Our toy poodle insists on coming in too.  Once in the water, she
wants to be held, so we have bought a little plastic dish for her which we
intend to sit her in, and we will tow it along in the water with us.
We are having our hottest December for many years so we are making the most
of our close proximity to the beach.

All the best

Joy Graham (CG Bob 58, 8+yrs)