

I think I started this string about a few weeks ago when I asked about this on
this list, the CARE list, and on the Chat channel.  Four or five people were
very helpful and we took Carol off Buspar (after clearing with her Neuro and
prim. care Phys. and the Phych. that had perscr. it.)
Carol is doing much better now.

Surveyby the #'s.
3. 3 x %mg/day
4. 5-6 weeks?
5. Helped initially, then did not --got "flashing lights" in the brain.
6. Made PD symptomes worse,  also at the end very,very tired.

Below is a Post that Carol intended to send to the list, but went elsewhere.

Phil CG Carol 60,12

It was indeed a poor choice of meds for me and I paid for it.  However, I was
willing to try it and probably would have even knowing alll the data I just
read.  It would be nice though if we were given this info BEFORE the fact as
when trouble arises with taking any new drug  the problem becomes one of
"sleuthing" your body to find out just what is causing the problem.  Is it the
new drug  itself. your combinations or am I possibley just alergic to the drug
itself?  Fortunately I know "Parker" very well, I have been sleuthing him for
11 years and I know my body very well .  I have ceased taking it and my reg
meds are working much better.

Thanks all for your concerns and info.  Merry Christmas.  You don't usually
get me on  E-mail except to family.  I am very shy.

"Wearing Purple and Learning  To Spit!