

Barb, somehow I got to read this, so I guess I should comment!    Using the
"new math" principles middle age is anywhere from 29 to about 88years, 4
months and 7 units. I don't know what units are, but if you study new math, it
will explain it in detail.
So if you expect to live to be somewhere between 58 and 176 years, 8 months
and 14 units, you may already be "middle age" If you need to translate this
into metric terms, you will live to be 176.4 Kilometers, Centigrade, you can
drop the units, but please drop them carefully, they have been known to crack,
NO one should have to live with even ONE cracked unit!  These results were
calculated using the principles of Calculus, and your mileage may vary. Before
anyone questions the accuracy of my results, please note, I was always in the
top 99.8 % of my classes!
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