

Mansour M.F wrote:
> HI
>    My father he is 4yrs PWP he was taking sinemet Cr for three years, his
>     doctor change the medicine to Mapdopar to get a better result. Please
>      provide any information about Madopar and what is the basic difference
>      between sinemet and madopar if any ?.Tank you.

the active ingredient in all is l-DOPA (levodopa)
the Sinemet tablets have the initial quickly dissolved binder in the tablets;
while the CR slow-to-dissolve binder provides the "controlled release" effect.
all Sinemet contains carbidopa as the suppressant of metabolic conversion of
levodopa to dopamine in the bloodstream.

The Madopar suppressant is  chemical labeled bemnzerazide (not carbidopa). the
binder variations I do not know.

some indications are that excess benzerazide may be less "toxic" than large
dosages of carbidopa.
Ron Vetter 1936, '84 PD dz      paradise is feeling good, not a place to go
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