

Dear Linda-- I'm so glad you found us at such a difficult time. The posts
you have received so far are very accurate--it seems unlikely that your
father's sudden heart attack was caused by his PD, especially as he has had
previous heart problems.
>Please forgive me but i am very grief stricken. My dad suffered with
>parkinson's for almost 10 years that we know of. Friday,Dec. 26th he had
>cardiac arrest and died.I miss him terriably.

Please take to heart the words about guilt--it is indeed a natural
reaction, but one that accomplishes nothing!

 I am also very gulit
>ridden, I often lost patience with him and I am just beside myself in
>pain and self hatred. I just loved him so much. My mom and my brother
>and i watched him go from a strong independant man to a frail, almost
>helpless dependant man. he was only 66. I just miss him horriably.
>can you help me ? Can you or someone else tell me if parkinsons caused
>his heart to arrest ? He had 3 angioplasies in a few months time 9 years
>ago, but there was no heart problems at his last check up a couple of
>months ago.  Does parkinsons cause the heart muscle to lose the ablity
>to function ? Dad was on a depression med,cardizim and of course the
>sentiment.....he had trouble with eldapryl, it made him make a lot of
>facial movements.....he also did not have the tremors,but he was very
>stiff, mask- like stare, quite speech patterns, stooped
>over,halluicanations, however, we had noticed he was so much better in
>the last  few weeks. Is this the way it happens in parkinson's ? Does
>death come suddenly?

I would have to say that for most PWPs(People with Parkinspns) death does
not come suddenly. Often just the opposite it true. I have heard my husband
and others say that they would welcome the quick exit a heart attack
provides. You may find that hard to believe right now, but for your father
it may have been a blessing, despite the painful shock to you and your
family. I would encourage you, as Mary U. suggested to join the Caregivers
list (CARE), and will send you the information on how to do that, as it has
just been posted to the list.   Please know that we all understand and
sympathize with your shock and grief--
and stay connected....

>I am so sorry to go on and on, it was really a shock to lose him like
>this.I m hoping this wonderful list will give me comfort and answers.
>oh yes, we  donated his eyes, they could not take anything else because
>of his parkinsons.The funeral is Monday , I am trying to be strong.
>please write soon,

  Camilla          [log in to unmask]


  *"In all beginnings, endings lie enfolded,*
  * implicit and invisible as roots."...CHF *