

At 04:22 PM 12/28/97 EST, NBozzie wrote:
>I recently bought a Long-Term Policy for myself and wanted to get one for John
>too.  After spending many months researching various companies and their
>policies' terms, it was apparent that none of the five or six major insurance
>companies that we looked at were willing to insure a person with PD.  As a
>matter of fact, about the fourth question of the application asked, "Have you
>ever had 1) cancer  2) heart disease, 3) Parkinson or Alzheimers, etc...  If
>'yes' to any of the above, DO NOT SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION." !!!
>Was told by agents that PD is seen as one of those "illnesses" that would
>quickly qualify the insured for meeting the requirements necessary for the
>policy to be activated; i.e., dementia, feeding oneself, dressing, etc.
>NOT FAIR!!!  But the insurance companies are making the rules and the money.
>They want to keep it that way!