

"B.Bruce Anderson" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>" Ivan M Suzman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> 'A CALL TO ACTIVISM from a young PWP who is sick of being.............=
>enthusiasm perhaps led him astray on that point.  I think the point he =
>making was about ENTHUSIASM ITSELF, and that it is up to those of use w=
>are what passes for young in these circles to get the hell out there an=
>d DO
>SOMETHING to find the cure.

Absolutely right!

>And then there is=
> the
>issue of suicide.  I don't  have any statistics  on our suicide rate, j=
>one personal anecdote.  It wasn't a month after I was diagnosed that th=
>PWP husband of an old  woman my wife gave Medicare counseling to blew h=
>brains all over their bedroom with a pistol.  She asked if I ever decid=
>to do that to pick another way.

I think I could go along with her on that! My preferred method is to
take a hang-glider up as high as I can soar, preferably in some remote
and rocky part, then unbuckle my harness! I would like to think I might
have the balls to shout "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" as I fall, rather than "Oh

However, being rather aggressively positive in my outlook has it's
drawbacks: I suspect I will keep finding good reasons why not, until
it's finally too late!

Happy New Year.

Jeremy Browne - [log in to unmask]
Hampshire, UK