

>  somebodey got to spank mom. after 2yrs we thougt we would take up playing
>cribbage agian mom cheats we played 4 games won all 4 and skunked me one. i
>told her i had a handycapp and she should spot me some points.lololo but
>there is other day. hoping to get me to thing again as all of us have
>it. use it to tesch my girls math. we have played all of our married life.
>just want you to know how mean she is to me. lololo. see you all again
>if i don't do her in. lololo

Hi Don,
My loving helpmate/carer and I play cribbage, backgammon, canasta, and a few
proprietary games such as UNO(c).
Although she helps me when I need it for physical tasks, any suggestion that
I get a shade of odds for mental handicap are treated with a scornful laugh.
So I have to develop extra skills with the aid of computer-based card games,
etc. wherever possible, 'cause she beats the hide off me.  I don't think it
is because she is better at the games than me, just that women are naturally
sneakier (and snakier?); for example, she takes great delight in UNO by
hitting me with a series of DRAW2 cards, followed by a DRAW4, just at the
psychologically most devestating point, when I think I am just about to go

WOMEN!  Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.  <just kidding, ladies>

On a more serious note, when our research group was conducting a series of
experiments with stroke (CVA) sufferers, some of whom had little movement
over a number of years, we found that computer games, such as matching
paired cards, and the old standard SAMMY SNAKE, not only improved their
short term AND long term memory, but aided their eye/hand coordination as
well.  Plus their psychological profiles improved remarkably.

"Use it, or lose it", huh?
