

I have taken a number of unsupervised drug holidays (reporting them to my
I did so because of my sense of a residue of sinemet in my system which needed
a chance to be c;eaned out. This was reinforced by the fact that my evening
withdrawal dyskinesia's got longer and longer (which told me that the residue,
while not dtrong enough to do the job kept the body in action, having been
cut-off   from it's daily supply, stillhad access to enough that it could
protest via dyskinesia, which increased in length as the residue accumulated.
The set-in timn e in the morning also increased, but I don't as neat an
anthropomorphc interpretation for that except that perhaps the body having a
residue already, wants proportionately more before it will respond.

In any case, the holidays have always been a joy: there was wnough residue in
my system to gice me freedom from discomfort until very early the nect morning
when residueless, the need for medicstion got intense. But on those days I
could eat anything I pleased, the medicatin-inhibiting effects of protein not
being an issue, and would begin with steak and eggs, and would include at
least one extra meal during the day. My mobility was limited, but the more
nstural feeling and unrestrictrf