

brain operates (In the areas relevant to PD) that I have read. After
>that he goes into his drug holiday mode, and I stop reading. To put it
>delicately, I think it is rubbish.
>   It appears to me that people who say that they do benefit are those who
>are taking what I regard as an overdose of levodopa. It is possible for
>some PWPs to take an overdose first thing in the morning (They often talk
>about the 'tablets cutting in' as they go zooming through the ideal dose
>on the way to the overdose).  By the occasional tablet administered at the
>right time, it is possible to stay in this overdosed state most of the day.
>However, 'What goes up must eventually come down', and this is where the
>trouble starts: the dyskinesias have to be faced, and seem to occur as the
>PWP comes back down through the various levels to essentially an un-dosed


So this much thrashed out subject  ' diphasic dyskinesia' now under 'drug
holidays' rears it's ugly head.This message is just to balance the input for
newcomers  and state that I believe your theory is flawed ( I won't use your
rather stronger criticism of Mr McGoon)
Simply to claim that overdosing is the cause of end of dose dyskinesia is
far too simplistic and though it might be based on your own limited personal
experience there are far to many descriptions of this phenomenom to be
lightly dismissed. I have described previously how even the smallest dose of
sinemet can produce distressing end of term dyskinesia and sometimes even
delayed for an hour or two and continuing for  as long two hours.Strangely
my last experience was 3 hours after taking a last half 25.100 tablet and
was the severest yet lasting a good hour. I blamed the severity on some
acupuncture treatment I had received in the afternoon for Sciatica- it
seemed to have stirred up the chemistry.

Anyhow for those of us with this reaction a drug holiday can be a blessed
relief and the message from Wesley describing his own experience closely
mirrored mine.

Ida where are you?*

David Langridge

* Ida Kamphuis  - a very forceful critiquess of the Collins dogma.