

On Wed 31 Dec, David Langridge wrote:
> brain operates (In the areas relevant to PD) that I have read. After
> >that he goes into his drug holiday mode, and I stop reading. To put it
> >delicately, I think it is rubbish.
> >   It appears to me that people who say that they do benefit are those who
> >are taking what I regard as an overdose of levodopa. It is possible for
> >some PWPs to take an overdose first thing in the morning (They often talk
> >about the 'tablets cutting in' as they go zooming through the ideal dose
> >on the way to the overdose).  By the occasional tablet administered at the
> >right time, it is possible to stay in this overdosed state most of the day.
> >However, 'What goes up must eventually come down', and this is where the
> >trouble starts: the dyskinesias have to be faced, and seem to occur as the
> >PWP comes back down through the various levels to essentially an un-dosed
> >condition.
> >
> Brian
> So this much thrashed out subject  ' diphasic dyskinesia' now under 'drug
> holidays' rears it's ugly head.This message is just to balance the input for
> newcomers  and state that I believe your theory is flawed ( I won't use your
> rather stronger criticism of Mr McGoon)
> Simply to claim that overdosing is the cause of end of dose dyskinesia is
> far too simplistic and though it might be based on your own limited personal
> experience there are far to many descriptions of this phenomenom to be
> lightly dismissed. I have described previously how even the smallest dose of
> sinemet can produce distressing end of term dyskinesia and sometimes even
> delayed for an hour or two and continuing for  as long two hours.Strangely
> my last experience was 3 hours after taking a last half 25.100 tablet and
> was the severest yet lasting a good hour. I blamed the severity on some
> acupuncture treatment I had received in the afternoon for Sciatica- it
> seemed to have stirred up the chemistry.
> Anyhow for those of us with this reaction a drug holiday can be a blessed
> relief and the message from Wesley describing his own experience closely
> mirrored mine.
> Ida where are you?*
> David Langridge
> * Ida Kamphuis  - a very forceful critiquess of the Collins dogma.
Hello David, what a surprise to hear from you. I think you will find that I
do not refer to people who suffer from diphasic dyskinesia. I was referring
to another group who are unfortunate enough to have neuros who are convinced
that there is no 'middle road' regime (This is where I operate), and so,
with virtually no reference to the patient's requirements, they pump in a
big starter to get the overdose going , and you know the rest. These people
are being overdosed regularly, and I am concerned that it may have an adverse
long term effect on the dopamine system. I am interested to learn that you do
get a benefit from a drug holiday, because I certainly don't.

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>