

Hi Charles,
The subject of "xyl" came up on the list earlier and I started to jump
in and see if there were any hams on the PD list. But now that you
menton it I will have to tell you and other possible amateur radio
operators that I am N4AG. I have had my license about 38 years. I was a
radio operator in the U.S. Navy. I used to pride myself in being able to
send good code with a straight key. I used to practice by the hour when
standing watches, it helps keep one awake between midnight and four AM
One year I won the straight key sending contest at the local hamfest. I
also tried the 'left footed" sending contest too but could not do that
very well.
I still have a very nice  solid brass key that a railroad man gave me,
but alas no other equipment except for a couple of two meter rigs..So I
hope you have fun and are able go get in there and do some brass
pounding tonight.

Lanier Maddux  N4AG      Chattanooga, Tn.
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