

>In June 1998 the School of Advanced Study, with the co-operation of the
>University of London Library and Lambeth Palace Library, will be
>organizing a series of one and two day courses in palaeography and

I always hate to parade my ignorance on the internet, but I getting inured
to it. What is "diplomatic"?  Is it the study of literary and public
documents in manuscript in order to decipher and authenticate them?

And one more question about word usage.  I recently ran across the word
"ridiculum" in the sense of ridiculousness in dramatic criticism, e.g.,
"the ridiculum of the situation." Is this a nonce usage, a bright new coin,
an old usage (not listed in my dictionaries), etc.?

Yours, Bill Godshalk
*    W. L. Godshalk                                                          *
*    Professor, Department of English              *
*    University of Cincinnati                                             *
*    Cincinnati OH 45221-0069                   *   Stellar Disorder
*    [log in to unmask]                                *