

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman  48/10         [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses  26  deg. F a thaw today?
  Dear Marjorie, Brian, Joyce Tames, and SInemet yellow (25/100) vs.
Sinemet blue (10/100) discussion friends::

   I just read Brian Collin's post, and I, too, am concerned that pure
Levodopa may be  VERY harmful to you, Marjorie. Your suffering is
something I hope we can help you avoid.......

   On Thu, 1 Jan 1998 10:17:36 -0500 Marjorie Moorefield
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>I have recently been suffering with what turns
>out to be an adverse reaction to the Carbodopa
>part of the Sinemet, and my ND changed me over to Larodopa.

    Marjorie, for the benefit of all of us, can you please describe the
symptoms you are going through?   How was it determined that these are
symptoms of an "adverse reaction to the Carbidopa?  Did your neurologist
identify SPECIFICS that prove that Carbidopa is at fault?

     We talk about "Carbidopa poisoning" on the List, and yet, noone
seems to have identified the specific symptoms involved in this.  I'm
still unclear how I might tell if I am experiencing it.

      For example, my urine has taken on a dark color--is this Levodopa,
Carbidopa, renal problems, or Levodopa combined with Carbidopa?  Again,
we're back to the levodopa-carbidopa ratio question: what impact does
Sinemet blue (10/100) have, compared to yellow (25/100)?

      I am PERPLEXED.

  Thank you Marjorie and I hope you feel better soon,

Ivan  48/10