

In a message dated 12/30/97 6:22:42 AM, you wrote:


>I had A PALLIDOTOMY last summer that alleviated the intensity of my
>dyskinesias, but have had to use the drug holidays to alleviate what feel
>allergic responses to the medication.

Please explain what you mean by "allergic responses"

Dear Joy,

This gets into the subjective interpretation area. I would like to answer with
the following excerpt from Brian Collins in mind.

>>   It appears to me that people who say that they do benefit are those who
are taking what I regard as an overdose of levodopa. It is possible for
some PWPs to take an overdose first thing in the morning (They often talk
about the 'tablets cutting in' as they go zooming through the ideal dose
on the way to the overdose).  By the occasional tablet administered at the
right time, it is possible to stay in this overdosed state most of the day.
However, 'What goes up must eventually come down', and this is where the
trouble starts: the dyskinesias have to be faced, and seem to occur as the
PWP comes back down through the various levels to essentially an un-dosed
  The stresses involved in this nightly wind-down must be considerable,
and the concept of a drugs holiday more attractive. Also, having purged
this possible overdosed condition, the rigours of an advanced Parkinsons
condition with no medication is to me totally unacceptable. About three
months ago, I sufferred a 'shut-down' of my digestive systemsuch that for
two days I could get no result from the tablets, because they were not
reaching the lower intestine, and hence not getting into the bloodstream.
There is no way that I woould voluntarily decide to go through those days
again. >>

The differences between an allergic response and the effect of a prolonged
overdose seem small. Upset atomach, queasy feelings generally, loss of
irregular medication response, etc. Iwould say that I have been consistently
overdosed for years, been told so, tried to cut down but found that the
results of any cutback robbed me of valuable free time during the day and did
not significantly ameliorate my evening dyskinesia. Brian, your suhhestion of
the need for multiple release rates is an important insight and could no doubt